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Online Reputation Management

Businesses have always thrived or survived based on what customers say about them, but it is now easier than ever for customers to spread word of mouth through social media and the wider online marketplace. You can either ignore what people say about you online, at your peril, or proactively manage and grow your online reputation.

Reviews Sorted online review management software has been designed to assist you to build a strong online reputation strategy by enabling you to proactively monitor and respond to what your customers say about your business in a timely manner, no matter where their feedback is posted.

Monitor and Track Your Reviews

Reviews Sorted provides you with a review management dashboard which draws in comments and reviews across all of your social media channels and Google reviews for business page. Using this dashboard, you can quickly and easily monitor and respond to your customers comments and even publish positive reviews on your website for visitors to see.

By proactively monitoring and managing your customer reviews you can also:

  • Respond to a specific issue with tailored answers that talk directly to them as individuals
  • Improve your response times to stand apart from your competitors
  • Utilise customer feedback to continue to improve your customer service experience
  • Prevent mistakes from happening again by sharing issues with your team
  • Acknowledge issues in a timely manner, apologise and act to fix the issue

Take Control of Your Brand Reputation Today

Try our review management system and sign up for a free 30-day trial, with no obligation to continue.